People & Paws

Meet Jessie James and Doc Holiday

Jessie and Doc on a slow day at Major

The Major household and office are always bustling with four legged friends. That includes Jessie James and Doc Holiday who are the furry kids of Jack Jr and Mariann Major. Both Jessie and Doc are Black Labs. Jessie is the puppy at 6-months-old and Doc is 28-months-old. While at home they are Mariann’s shadow. This is especially true of Jessie, who is, according to Jack, “A Mama’s boy”. But, when it comes to hunting they are all about Jack and... Read More

Major Colorado Heating and Cooling Team New Year Resolutions

At Major Heating & Cooling in Denver, our team of Colorado heating and cooling experts work very hard doing the job right for all our customers. Whether it is your HVAC or geothermal heating system, our team always strives to ensure your comfort.  Part of allowing them do the job right is also supporting them with their own goals. As the New Year is upon us, many of our team members have made fantastic resolutions. Below are some our team’s resolutions... Read More